Friday, May 22, 2020

Essay On Outsourced Manufacturing - 712 Words

The video contained information about outsourced manufacturing coming back to theUnited States. The host of the video interviewed several different companies. Every company he interviewed was an American company that either purchased a new line of manufacturing or moved one of their plants from another country to America. The Mississippi State University speaker stated that America had a net lost 200,000+ a year and is now up that much or a little more a year. The oldest hat manufacture in the U.S. bought another brand that has been made inChina for years. Their representative said that their price of production is similar to China’s dueto the rise in Chinese wages and shipping costs. He believes that if Chinese wages continue toincrease†¦show more content†¦Grant Dorris8/27/17I hope the spokesman from Mississippi State is right. America needs more jobs. Between China and NAFTA American manufacturing has really been distressed. I found the video very interesting. I d idn’t know that American manufacturing had gotten so competitive with China. I think it would be great to gain some manufacturing jobs in America. New Albany used to be in the biggest furniture making area in the U.S. When NAFTA and China started taking jobs it became a ghost town. Now that jobs are coming back it would be good to see it thriving again. The labor force in New Albany are very skilled in furniture building, so a furniture company would be perfect in that area. I realize that, right or wrong, everything is about a dollar in the end. It has been my experience in the timber and agriculture industry that American made products are much more durable than Chinese products. A lot of their products come out of the box with defects. Customer service has basically went down the drain since the outsourcing of manufacturing as well. The aluminum fan plant mentioned that they were required to have some extent of customer service. That was a big reason the reshored that co mpany to the United States. American workers created a better product and were a lot better at trouble shooting than Chinese workers. I was glad to see the hat company come back to the states as well. In this geographical region, textiles and fabric were a huge partShow MoreRelatedAdvantages and Disadvantages of Outsourcing888 Words   |  4 PagesOnce the task is outsourced to the service provider, he will take the responsibility of carrying out the tasks and maintaining the organization’s assets. However prior to outsourcing any component of your business to a third-party vendor, it is essential to understand the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing. Although outsourcing presents a variety of benefits to your organization, it could also pose difficulties if not outsourced to the right service provider. 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