Monday, August 24, 2020

Review Literary Terms, Eng 125 Essay Example for Free

Audit Literary Terms, Eng 125 Essay Creative mind is the ability to make. It is the key segment to writing. Without creative mind, there wont be a fascinating story, I accept. Creative mind isn't just imperative to the essayist, it enables the peruser to expand their translation of the story. At the point when you permit perusing to open your creative mind, your association makes way for scholarly commitment. It permits the experience of perusing writing to incorporate the quest for thoughts and information. (Clugston, R. W 2010). With creative mind comes kind. Picking what class or kind of writing. It very well may be a short story, sonnet, or dramatization. It very well may be utilized to make wide qualifications or to distinguish explicit classifications inside a general classification. The short story and the novel, for instance, are explicit scholarly classifications inside the general classification of fiction. (Clugston, R. W. 2010). I think another significant part to writing is the tone. Establishing the pace will tell the peruser what mentality the abstract work is going. For instance, the last lines in Updikes sonnet make an underlying sentiment of compassion, which is probably going to become sympathy if the peruser ponders the mutts scrape in not having the option to impart its last battle. (Clugston, R. W 2010). Tone is trailed by picture. Picture speaks to the experience that experience your faculties, the thought. Essayists utilize explicit language to depict the symbolism. Once more, in Frosts and Updikes sonnets about the canine, In Frosts picture of an old pooch theres an underlying sentiment of trouble, yet in the event that the peruser thinks about what the sonnet needs to state about the inescapable life cycle that both the pooch and the speaker face, misery is probably going to blur to some degree into acknowledgment. Reference Clugston, R. W. (2010). Excursion into writing. San Diego, California: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Powers of the Prime Minister Free Essays

string(58) as he won't have the option to practice his job effectively. Presentation The motivation behind this exposition is to depict and talk about the forces of the British Prime Minister and which suggestions emerge from his situation for the administration and legislative issues. This exposition will comprise of three sections. In the initial segment the fundamental forces of the Prime Minister (PM), at present David Cameron, will be thought of. We will compose a custom paper test on The Powers of the Prime Minister or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now These incorporate his errands as head of government, the option to choose his bureau and to excuse pastors, to speak to the nation abroad and more capacities, which will be clarified in more detail beneath. In the second part the constraints of his forces will be delineated and how viable they are. These will prompt the third area, where it will be talked about whether the Prime Minister is excessively incredible. The spotlight will be particularly on the contention whether Britain has a more prime ecclesiastical government instead of a Cabinet government. Besides an examination with the forces of the German chancellor is made, and it will be inspected if the association of the workplace of German Chancellor is a superior way to manage the forces of the PM. Ultimately, it is talked about which changes are conceivable to lessen the Prime Minister’s powers. The Roles of the Prime Minister As leader of the UK government, the PM is presumably the most persuasive individual in British legislative issues. To the current day 52 men and one lady have gone through the entryways of Number 10 Downing Street as British Prime Minister. The workplace of the PM is the production of show, and the job and the forces presented on him despite everything rely mostly upon show and political conditions. His forces are not characterized in enactment, rather they advanced as an issue of political practicality and truly development. Additionally, it currently has all the earmarks of being a firm show that the Prime Minister ought to be an individual from the House of Commons. The greater part of the forces to be examined get from the regal prerogative.The imperial privilege should give the Monarch considerable force as the Head of State. Be that as it may, the privilege forces ought to be comprehended „not as close to home optional forces of the Monarchâ€Å", yet as „clearly outlined sacred obligations to be completed on the counsel of the PM. He is the foremost government figure in the House of Commons and has a general power to mediate in any circle of government. The Prime Minister controls the focal government mechanical assembly in that he chooses how the errands of government ought to be distributed to divisions and whether offices ought to be made, amalgamated or abrogated. Besides the PM designates the individuals from the Cabinet and „sets the paceâ€Å" of Cabinet movement. He may request that pastors leave, prescribe the Queen to excuse them or, with their assent, move them to different workplaces. Ruler Atlee has said that a significant quality in a Premier is the ability to excuse insufficient priests. The Prime Minister can control Cabinet conversations and the procedure of dynamic by setting the request for business, and may name one of the Cabinet to be Deputy Prime Minister, or first Secretary of State. In this manner the intensity of arrangement is one of the main ways a Prime Minister keeps his co mmand over his gathering. By controlling powerful advisory groups, the PM can likewise guarantee that he drives the strategies of these panels. In like manner, it tends to be said that the Prime Minister is in a situation to practice a prevailing impact over the Cabinet, having powers that different clergymen don't have. The PM usually holds the main situation of First Lord of the Treasury. His endorsement is additionally required for the arrangement of the most senior government workers and significant Crown arrangements are filled on his selection, for instance, high-positioning individuals from the Church of England and senior appointed authorities. Besides, he additionally has command over the Cabinet Office. The PM, what's more, holds other support powers. He despite everything exhorts the Queen on new peerages, on arrangements to the Privy Council and the award of praises. The Prime Minister’s Office underpins him in his job as head of government. This incorporates giving approach exhortation and guaranteeing powerful interchanges to Parliament and the general population. Most Prime Ministers must take a unique enthusiasm for outside undertakings, the economy and safeguard. The Queen is Britain’s head of state, yet the PM is Britain’s accepted agent abroad. He frequently pl ays a main job in remote relations, managing different heads of government, and is additionally liable to start to lead the pack on significant issues as the national and universal reaction to the emergency in Libya. Another capacity of the PM is that he is additionally in a situation to rule if not control the government’s correspondence to the press, and to reveal data about government choices and the Cabinet business. He has standard gatherings with the Queen and is answerable for keeping the Queen educated regarding the Cabinet’s treatment of issues. As has gotten clear over, the PM is associated with all parts of government such that no other government official is, and in this way it is sheltered to state that, regardless of the cutoff points on his capacity (see beneath), the PM can be viewed as the most powerful individual in legislative issues. Cutoff points of his capacity In spite of the Prime Minister’s developed situation inside British governmental issues there are cutoff points to his forces. Right off the bat, one incredible breaking point originates from the gathering he speaks to. On the off chance that the PM loses the help from his party’s backbenchers, his position turns out to be delicate. Along these lines the greatest threat is that a Prime Minister develops a scope of foes. One model for that is the thing that happened to Margaret Thatcher, when another pastor, who couldn't help contradicting her arrangements, put a successful rebel against her style of initiative, which prompted her abdication. This implies if the PM loses the help of his gathering, he will quite often need to leave as PM, as he won't have the option to practice his job viably. You read The Powers of the Prime Minister in classification Article models Additionally, all Prime Ministers must remember most senior gathering associates for the Cabinet, who could generally be a few troublemakers, on the off chance that they don’t get the position they might want to have. The PM’s forces of arrangement are additionally restricted by the need to give a parity of gathering sees in the Cabinet. Thusly a legitimate authority of the gathering is a fundamental factor for a PM to be effective. Furthermore there are different manners by which the PM’s powers are restricted. For example the way that he supposedly is freely liable for any significant setback that happens during his time in power. As the most known individual from the administration, it is he that the open accuse when they aren’t happy with governmental issues. Margaret Thatcher was considered answerable for the issues in relationship with the Poll Tax and Tony Blair has been blamed for being excessively well disposed with the USA’ President Bush. This implies the electorate body has the ability to evacuate the PM by method of races, thus the PM is in a roundabout way additionally controlled along these lines. This is alluded to as roundabout as the body can not legitimately stop any choices the PM makes, however can prevent him from proceeding in the workplace of PM when general decisions happen by deciding in favor of another gathering. As another impediment can be seen the scrutinizing time on Wednesday, which is an open door for the pioneer of the restriction and different individuals from the House of Commons to ask the PM advantageous inquiries regarding any matter. Along these lines he is legitimately responsible to the Parliament for his activities and choices. In any case, the PM will be widely informed by government divisions fully expecting likely subjects he could be gotten some information about and they can't drive him to change his commitment. Furthermore the European Union has the ability to impact government approach by forcing on part states’ arrangements. Despite the fact that the Conservatives have commonly not been extremely content with this inconvenience on the British State, David Cameron still acknowledged when he became PM that the UK is a piece of the EU, and that in this manner, it needs to hold fast to specific choices. He, as PM, needed to settle on this point for him to successfully lead the nation. In spite of the fact that the courts have since quite a while ago had the ability to decide the presence and degree of a right force, customarily they have had no capacity to manage the way of its activity. The position is presently represented by the choice of the House of Lords in CCSU v Minister of State for Civil Service (1985). The legal executive put a few limitations on official utilization of the illustrious right. Be that as it may, few out of every odd right force is justiciable: matters, for example, the arrangement of Ministers, the attitude of the furnished power and the disintegration of Parliament are still past legal control.The justiciability of the privilege forces could in principle have been an incredible breaking point on the PM’s powers. Notwithstanding, by and by it has demonstrated this was not really, as just constrained piece of the right powers is in truth justiciable and that there are cutoff points to what degree cures are accessible. Likewise, thi s breaking point doesn't forestall or stop the PM on acting with a specific goal in mind, it will just remunerate certain gatherings or individuals after an occasion has happened, thus doesn't even straightforwardly influence the PM. As observed over the Prime Minister has huge political forces, yet this force is additionally adjusted by the way that there are constraints to that power. Albeit a portion of these confinements are extremely viable, a large portion of the forces of the PM can not effectively be affected. Is the Prime Minister excessively incredible? Over the most recent 40 years the forces of the Prime Minister inside the British political structure have dev

Friday, July 24, 2020

Byrnes, James Francis

Byrnes, James Francis Byrnes, James Francis, 1879â€"1972, American public official, Secretary of State (1945â€"47), governor of South Carolina (1951â€"55), b. Charleston, S.C. He studied law while working (1900â€"1908) as a court reporter, owned and edited a newspaper in Aiken, S.?C., and represented (1911â€"25) South Carolina in the House. As Senator (1931â€"41), Byrnes, a Southern Democrat, became budgetary expert for the New Deal. He served as an associate justice of the Supreme Court (1941â€"42), but resigned and became director of economic stabilization (1942) and later (1943) director of war mobilization. As Secretary of State he tried to mend postwar differences with the USSR. He later became extremely anti-Soviet. An opponent of racial integration, he was elected governor of South Carolina, and opposed further federal centralization. See his Speaking Frankly (1947) and All in One Lifetime (1958); K. A. Clements, James F. Byrnes and the Origins of the Cold War (1982). The Columbia Elec tronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. History: Biographies

Friday, May 22, 2020

Essay On Outsourced Manufacturing - 712 Words

The video contained information about outsourced manufacturing coming back to theUnited States. The host of the video interviewed several different companies. Every company he interviewed was an American company that either purchased a new line of manufacturing or moved one of their plants from another country to America. The Mississippi State University speaker stated that America had a net lost 200,000+ a year and is now up that much or a little more a year. The oldest hat manufacture in the U.S. bought another brand that has been made inChina for years. Their representative said that their price of production is similar to China’s dueto the rise in Chinese wages and shipping costs. He believes that if Chinese wages continue toincrease†¦show more content†¦Grant Dorris8/27/17I hope the spokesman from Mississippi State is right. America needs more jobs. Between China and NAFTA American manufacturing has really been distressed. I found the video very interesting. I d idn’t know that American manufacturing had gotten so competitive with China. I think it would be great to gain some manufacturing jobs in America. New Albany used to be in the biggest furniture making area in the U.S. When NAFTA and China started taking jobs it became a ghost town. Now that jobs are coming back it would be good to see it thriving again. The labor force in New Albany are very skilled in furniture building, so a furniture company would be perfect in that area. I realize that, right or wrong, everything is about a dollar in the end. It has been my experience in the timber and agriculture industry that American made products are much more durable than Chinese products. A lot of their products come out of the box with defects. Customer service has basically went down the drain since the outsourcing of manufacturing as well. The aluminum fan plant mentioned that they were required to have some extent of customer service. That was a big reason the reshored that co mpany to the United States. American workers created a better product and were a lot better at trouble shooting than Chinese workers. I was glad to see the hat company come back to the states as well. In this geographical region, textiles and fabric were a huge partShow MoreRelatedAdvantages and Disadvantages of Outsourcing888 Words   |  4 PagesOnce the task is outsourced to the service provider, he will take the responsibility of carrying out the tasks and maintaining the organization’s assets. However prior to outsourcing any component of your business to a third-party vendor, it is essential to understand the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing. Although outsourcing presents a variety of benefits to your organization, it could also pose difficulties if not outsourced to the right service provider. 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A new trend catching is outsourcing services with India taking a huge chunk of call centers catering for the American consumer. The notable divisions which companies outsource are customer support, human resources, accounting and manufacturing. This has not been limited to these divisions, skilled personnel in information technology, engineering, pharmaceutical and Research and Development are facing greater threats to losing workers abroad. No American worker or politician is keen onRead MoreLessons From The Assembly Line1089 Words   |  5 PagesSome Lessons from the Assembly Line Critical Analysis Essay Brenda Brown Southern New Hampshire University In Andrew Braaksma s essay â€Å"Some Lessons from the Assembly Line,† he tells his personal insights, lessons learned and experiences, while he works a temporary summer job in a factory located near his hometown during college summer break. Braaksma describes his deep appreciation for receiving his education as he attended college and seeing what his life may have been like working a blue collarRead More Outsourcing Essay1680 Words   |  7 Pagespopular issue, and it has reached an all-time climax. Firms are starting to do this a lot more than than in the previous decade. What is outsourcing? Outsourcing is defined as â€Å"The procuring of services or products, such as the parts used in manufacturing a motor vehicle, from an outside supplier or manufacturer in order to cut costs.† And it has become a big issue in our country. There are thousands of articles and books written on it, and you can attend numerous classes and speeches on the subject

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Historical Discoveries Of Dna And Genetic Material

When most people think of DNA, scientists, laboratories, and twisted ladders come to mind. In reality, DNA makes up genetic material, which makes up proteins that form much of the body and perform vital tasks. The study of DNA and genetic material is something more people should be aware of. As a society, knowing how powerful genetic research and technology are holds the possibility to help, or possibly hurt, people now and in the future. The study of deoxyribonucleic acid, better known as DNA, sounds modern, but in reality has been around for over 150 years. In 1856, Gregor Mendel performed his famous pea plant experiment. This experiment helped determine dominant and recessive traits. Mendel’s work faded for more than 30 years. Based on his research, Reginald Punnett developed Punnett Squares. Punnett Squares predict which traits offspring will inherit based on their parents. In 1885, scientists found chromosomes in cells. Even though there were many contributing factors, one of the most important discoveries about DNA was made by Francis Crick and James Watson. Francis Crick was born in 1916, in Northampton, England. Early in his life, he studied physics but later turned to biology. He attended University in London and earned his Ph.D in molecular biology in 1954. James Watson was born April 26, 1928, in Chicago, Illinois. He enrolled in the University of Chicago when he was just 15 years old. He earned his Ph.D. when he was 22 by completing studies on bacteriophages.Show MoreRelatedHistorical Discoveries Of Dna And Genetic Material1364 Words   |  6 Pagespeople think of DNA, scientists, laboratories, and twisted ladders come to mind. In reality, DNA makes up genetic material, which makes up proteins that form much of the body and perform vital tasks. The study of DNA and genetic material is something more people should be aware of. As a society, knowing how powerful genetic research and technolog y are holds the possibility to help, or possibly hurt, people now and in the future. The study of deoxyribonucleic acid, better known as DNA, sounds modernRead MoreThe Discovery Of Dna Testing1179 Words   |  5 Pagesspecialized tools and processes while utilizing new discoveries to aid understanding of the past. One significant advancement is the discovery of Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA). The discovery of DNA has greatly enhanced our ability to analyze ancient remains and interpret the findings within the field of archeology. To fully demonstrate the impact that DNA has brought to the field of archeology it is important to understand the historical discovery of DNA and initial integration into the field of archeologyRead MoreThe Process Of Evolution And Evolution1679 Words   |  7 Pagesprocess by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth,† Google. Google. Google, n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2015. Evolution is the reason there is change in the genetic makeup of a populat ion, the reason organisms are linked by common ancestors, and evolution is still happening today because of the constant change in environment. This paper focuses on these subjects within evolution and will explore all areas ofRead MoreTransforming Species Into Molecular Biology3591 Words   |  15 Pagesnatural history and suggested he join Captain Robert Fitzroy on a three year journey to the western hemisphere. Little did Darwin know that his curiosity and ability to apply knowledge during this time in his life, would lead him to become a notable historical scientific icon still admirable today. It was due to this opportunity that his work transformed the 19th century scientific path by creating a new mindset of the development of earth (Appleman, 1970). Two other scientists who will not be forgottenRead MoreAntony Flew on Christian Life1823 Words   |  7 Pagesaddressed arguments for the existence of God and tried to disprove them and reveal their invalidity. In this work he argued that before God’s existence can be debated, a definition of who or what God is has to be established. Today he calls this book ‘a historical relic’ (p.52) and uses the arguments for God in his debating for the Christian faith. The last book that I want to mention was published in 1971 and was called ‘The Presumption of Atheism.’ This was his final work in dealing with atheism, in whichRead MoreEthical and Legal Issues with DNA Profiling2693 Words   |  11 Pagesacidity (DNA) fingerprint scanning service is really a fundamental technique which is used all through the global communities every day. The procedure associated with DNA fingerprint scanning service was initially produced by the geneticist, Alec Jefferys, in the University of Leicester situated in England, in the year 1984 (as cited in Lampton, 1991). Both primary kinds of DNA utilized in the actual profiling procedure consist of mitochondrial as well as nuclear DNA (Adams, 2005). DNA fingerprintRead MoreUnderstanding Of The Identity And Health Of African Americans Essay1787 Words   |  8 PagesAssess the materials presented by the National Genome Research Institute in the understanding of the identity and health of African America ns. Note: you may focus on any or a combination of the following major headings: the Ancestral history from genomic information and historical records, Ethnic identity and cultural diversity from historical and genomic information, and the arts and culture from ancestral information. The symposium, The African Diaspora: Integrating Culture Genomics and HistoryRead MoreDna Forensics And The Human Genome2746 Words   |  11 Pages DNA Forensics Before the 1980s, courts relied on testimony and eyewitness accounts as a main source of evidence. Notoriously unreliable, these techniques have since faded away to the stunning reliability of DNA forensics. In 1984, British geneticist Alec Jeffreys of the University of Leicester discovered an interesting new marker in the human genome. Most DNA information is the same in every human, but the junk code between genes is unique to every person. Junk DNA used for investigative purposesRead MoreDna Forensics And The Human Genome2744 Words   |  11 Pagesmain source of evidence. Notoriously unreliable, these techniques have since faded away to the stunning reliability of DNA forensics. In 1984, British geneticist Alec Jeffreys of the University of Leicester discovered an interesting new marker in the human genome. Most DNA information is the same in every human, but the junk code between genes is unique to every person. Junk DNA used for investigative purposes can be found in blood, sa liva, perspiration, sexual fluid, skin tissue, bone marrow, dentalRead MoreMajor Themes in the Theory of Evolution Essay2101 Words   |  9 Pagesthrough these inherited traits is the raw material on which natural selection acts. Mendels paper was all but forgotten until 1890, when it was rediscovered and contributed to a growing wave of interest and research in genetics. But it was not immediately clear how to reconcile new findings about the mechanisms of inheritance with evolution through natural selection. Then, in the 1930s, a group of biologists demonstrated how the results of genetics research could both buttress and extend evolutionary

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Research Analysis on No Child Left Behind Free Essays

Rhetorical Analysis of â€Å"Evaluating ‘No Child Left Behind’† When reading the 2007 article by education expert Linda Darling- Hammond called â€Å"Evaluating ‘No Child Left Behind’†, Darling- Hammond goes into depth and criticizes just how much the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) accomplished in five years. The author begins by using a neutral and agreeable tone with how the law was supposed to be â€Å"a victory for American children†. She also genuinely acknowledges that the notoriously known NCLB Act initially brought high hopes for us Americans to have a sophisticated and reformed education system for our children. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Analysis on No Child Left Behind or any similar topic only for you Order Now But almost just as fast as she agrees that the law was intended for good, she gets right to her point that she opposes the law by using much of logos and connects pathos and ethos along the lines. Darling-Hammond uses logos very strongly and acknowledges that the NCLB Act was created to help American children succeed educationally. She doesn’t fully bash the law without implementing clear ideas and alternatives as to what the government should consider to do next in order to effectively make our education system stronger after her criticisms’. She asks the rhetorical question, â€Å"What happened? Not only does this tell us that she was baffled with the outcome of what came to be of this law, but that clearly, it took a complete180 degree turn from what she and others thought it would. She says, â€Å" †¦high-profile Republicans are expressing their disenchantment with the NCLB, while many newly elected democrats are seeking a major overhaul as well. † She purposely wrote this to show that many people- regardless of political party- are not in favor of this law. What Darling- Hammond claims is that the NCLB Act backfired and left more negative effects schools than positive ones. She expresses that â€Å"†¦ the law has been protested by more than twenty states and dozens of school districts that have voted to resist specific provisions. † Clearly stating that despite all these protests, it is still continuing without true positive outcomes or benefits. She is very firm throughout the article and believes that the government must make and appeals to the reader in trying to bring reasonable and realistic options because the â€Å"100 percent proficiency by 2014† is in no way realistic in her opinion and that â€Å"85 to 99 percent† of schools are considered to be failing†. Paying off â€Å"Educational debt† is ultimately the answer in which Darling-Hammond believes will begin to assure that schools are be more â€Å"productive† because there would be more curriculums to be offered and better programs for students. She also believes in â€Å"equal funds† going into all schools-most especially for the schools t hat need it the most, taking this idea from â€Å"achieving countries† that have successfully done this. Throughout the article, Darling- Hammond also expresses pathos, but she does so while still being logical and reasonable. She openly admits the â€Å"NCLB contains some major breakthroughs† and that â€Å"flagging differences in student performance by race and class, it shines a spotlight on longstanding inequalities and could trigger attention to the needs of students neglected in many schools. † By saying this and shortly expressing her short-lived praise for the act, she is absolutely appealing to the reader’s emotion and even giving some of her personal feelings on the law. One of the harsh truths that Darling- Hammond expresses very openly is that the ultimately to her, the real problem in education is racial inequality. She lists and focuses on what â€Å"minority† students do not have that their â€Å"suburban† counterparts do. She writes that in more than twenty- five states, â€Å"low- income students of color â€Å" go to a school with â€Å"crumbling facilities, overcrowded classrooms, out-of-date textbooks, no science labs, no art or music courses and a revolving door of untrained teachers† all while other â€Å"white† students have all those resources to a point where it is almost unnecessary due to their â€Å"fewer needs†. She reminds us about the unequal and unfair distribution of resources for students of color in America and that unfortunately, problems with race and poverty are still an issue. Darling- Hammond additionally gives off a great understanding of the NCLB Act, as she is a person in the educational field, which makes her extremely credible for talking about this topic. She has also been following the act since President George Bush approved it. She also writes very formally and articulately, but the reader is able to follow along with her points and her suggestions on repealing the act. She also makes a valid point that more money was being spent on the war with Iraq than on education. Of course, spending it on education would have been more beneficial for our students because about â€Å"40,00 teachers† would have been able to be â€Å"qualified† due to properly teach students due to â€Å"high-quality preparation. Darling-Hammond’s article on the No Child Left Behind Act shows logic, pathos, and ethos. She is, however, a writer that understands the opposing view and thinks very reasonably and looks at the bigger picture throughout her article. She wants to make it absolutely definite that the reader understands that if we continue with the act the way that we are, â€Å"Students will not learn at higher levels without the benefit of good teaching, a strong curriculum and adequate resources. † It is no secret that our children are struggling with the educational system and something needs to be done about it. Work Cited Darling- Hammond, Linda. â€Å"Evaluating ‘No Child Left Behind’ | The Nation. † The Nation 21 May 2007: 1-5. CQ Researcher. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. How to cite Research Analysis on No Child Left Behind, Essays

Monday, April 27, 2020

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Essays (766 words) -

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual defines obsessions and compulsions as follows; Obsessions are persistent ideas, thoughts, impulses, or images that are experienced as intrusive and inappropriate and that cause marked anxiety or distress. Compulsions are repetitive behaviors (e.g., hand washing, ordering, checking) or mental acts (e.g., praying, counting, repeating words silently) the goal of which is to prevent or reduce anxiety or distress, not to provide pleasure or gratification. The Symptoms associated with OCD are severe and easily recognizable. One generally accepted causes of OCD is stress. Stress is a term used by many, is somewhat misunderstood, and often used to describe a negative condition or emotional state. People experience various forms of stress at home, work, in social settings, and when engaged in activities to simply have fun, such as playing sports. There are several generally accepted subdivisions of OC's. Amongst them are Washers, Checkers, Cleaners, Hoarders, Repeaters, Orderers, and Pure Obsessives. Washers are those OC's that generally have a fear of germs, dirt, or contamination from substances like bodily fluids, dirt, dust, bacteria, viruses, excretions, and the like. Washers that are compulsive can spend hours washing themselves, or parts of their body, to the exclusion of all else, trying to rid themselves of contamination. They may also avoid contact with things to avoid being contaminated. Cleaners are those OC's that feel that other things are contaminated or dirty, and spend much time cleaning their surroundings. For instance, a cleaner might spend hours dusting their home, and then go back and start again as soon as they have finished, because dust has settled in the meantime. Checkers have a problem remembering or being sure that they have or have not done something, and therefore go back to check whether they ha ve or not. For instance, a woman may get up 10 to 15 times a night to make sure all windows and doors are still locked, although they were every other time. Hoarders collect things...almost anything. They usually cannot even stand to throw away garbage, and often will let it just sit around them. An inability to get rid of things is the significant symptom of this class of OC. Repeaters are OC's that feel compelled to do things a right number of times. This may serve to protect them from some imagined danger, or prevent possible harm to themselves. Repeaters generally fear that if they do not do things the right number of times, something bad will happen, although some may just have to do things just right for no apparent reason. Orderers have to have things organized absolutely the right way. An orderer might be reluctant to let anyone touch their possessions, fearing they will be misarranged. Orderers might spend hours just aligning a piece of paper on a desktop, or straightening a bookshelf. The last type is the Pure Obsessive, which is also the most difficult OC to treat. These OC's suffer from obsessive thoughts of a disturbing nature, generally. An example might be a person who constantly obsesses over whether they will hurt their child, even though they know they wouldn't...they can't stop worrying that they might. About 2.3% of the U.S. population (3.3 million Americans) has OCD in a given year. OCD affects men and women equally. OCD typically begins during adolescence or early childhood; at least one-third of these cases of adult OCD began in childhood. There are many different treatments for OCD. Treatments for OCD have been developed through research supported by the NIMH and other research institutions. These treatments, which combine medications and behavioral therapy, are often effective. Several medications have been proven effective in helping people with OCD such as, clomipramine, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, and paroxetine. A number of other medications are currently being studied. A type of behavioral therapy known as exposure and response prevention is very useful for treating OCD. Treatment proven most effective: The treatment I found to be most effective, after reading all the studies I read was the behavioral therapy. In this approach, a person is deliberately and voluntarily expose d to whatever triggers the obsessive thoughts and then, is taught techniques to avoid performing, the compulsive tasks and to deal with the obsessions. Studies of