Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Professionalism in Nursing - 2404 Words

There are many fields and professions in which professionalism is of the highest reputation, and nursing is among them. In the area of nursing, there is much importance to be placed with the improvement of professionalism within the profession. Nursing is a profession that depends on practitioners to perform in a way that characterized the goodness of the wider discipline, as all nurses are in a position of accountability and responsibility. This essay will further look into the topic of professionalism in nursing, the role of a registered nurse, and having competence in relation to this role. Furthermore, this will also discuss how a registered nurse demonstrates professional practice in relation to the New Zealand Nursing Council (NZNC)†¦show more content†¦Nurses should also ensure that they have the experience, skills, and training needed to carry out the task that they are expected to implement with evidence based research. These qualities are included in the second dom ain which is the management of nursing care. For example, a nurse should have an understanding of the theoretical frameworks which shape the nursing over the years. Such as an understanding of Jean Watson’s Theory of Care and its influence on the development of nursing practice. Furthermore, patients approach nurses due to physical or mental conditions. Thus, nurses should give the best care to address the needs of the patients. With effective communication skills and willingness of patient’s involvement, this relationship will continue to nurture with time as long as there is readiness to listen and harmony from both parties. This relates to the third domain which is interpersonal relationship. Another factor for being professional is collegiality. This connects to the fourth domain which is inter-professional health care and quality improvement. Collegiality is the relationship between colleagues who seek the requirement of respect, mutual trust, and cooperation between team mates (Lorenz, 2013). It is the duty of a nurse to maintain healthy relationships with their team to ensure the patient’s wellbeing. This involves critical teamwork skills particularly when it comes to referrals,Show MoreRelatedProfessionalism In Nursing1297 Words   |  6 Pagesno harm†. The history of nursing initially begins with Florence Nightingale. Before her era nurses had a tarnished reputation (Glasper, 2017). They were poorly educated and incompetent people. Nurses such as Mrs. Bedford Fenwick wanted to change the image of nursing. They did this by leading a campaign for professionalism. Which led to the culminated Nurse Bill receiving is royal assent in December 1919 (Glasper, 2017). July 27, 1921 was the official opening of the nursing register, there are currentlyRead MoreNursing Professionalism And The Profession Of Nursing1308 Words   |  6 Pages Nursing, at its inception, was a service provided mostly by women. Far from a profession, it was considered a vocation; often a mere extension of the wife/mother role. Nurses were perceived as servants to the physicians with little power or ability to function independently. The predominant male presence in medicine, lack of formal education offered to nurses, and the subservient nature of the work significantly hindered its professionalization. Over time, as educational standards were createdRead MoreProfessionalism: The Nursing Profession778 Words   |  3 PagesProfessionalism: The Nursing Profession Professionalism is something that is practiced on a daily basis by people in many different careers. Atsede Fantahun (2014) said, â€Å"professionalism is defined as the conceptualization of obligations, attributes, interactions, attitudes, and role behaviors required of professionals in relationship to individual clients and to society as a whole† (p. 2). A professional is expected to display competent and skillful behaviors in relationship with their professionRead MoreProfessionalism Of The Nursing Professional1007 Words   |  5 Pages Professionalism in the Workplace Marjorie Lopez Medical Surgical Nursing 144 February 15, 2015 Cathy Westberry 2 Professionalism in nursing is a fundamental factor between a profession and society that is based on trust and putting the needs of patients above all other considerations. The aim of this paper is to identify the characteristics of the nursing professional. These characteristics include motivation, communication skills, solving problems and making decisions, managingRead MoreNursing Professionalism Essay1675 Words   |  7 PagesWhat is Nursing Professionalism? Cathy Soto Nursing 408 Transitions in Professional Nursing Linda Jacobson 9/21/2011 Abstract According to Maister (1997) true professionalism means the pursuit of excellence, not just competence. Nurses must be competent in their pursuit of excellence. According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Position Statement, rapidly expanding clinical knowledge and mounting complexities in health care mandate that professional nurses possessRead More Professionalism in Nursing Essay996 Words   |  4 Pageswhen being evaluated on professionalism, a person is judged based on the clients; Attitude, Values, Communication techniques, and approachability. Clients who display a committed, dependable attitude will benefit more from work exerted, and overall be rewarded with incentives. Although professionalism may be in the eye of the beholder. A profession is defined as a trade or vocation, mainly one that involves some sort of higher education or special training. Professionalism is a stature that theRead MoreEthics and Professionalism in Nursing500 Words   |  2 PagesEthics and Professionalism in Nursing The combination of professionalism and ethics can be equated with an extraordinary nurse because they are core components in the nursing profession and crucial to patient trust, confidence and wellbeing. Having a degree in nursing is not what makes one a professional. Professionalism is defined as: The skill, good judgment, and polite behavior that is expected from a person who is trained to do a job well. It is further described as: the conduct, aims,Read MoreNursing Professionalism Essay2432 Words   |  10 PagesNursing Professionalism XXXXX Nursing XXXX Professor XXXXX XXXXX, 2012 Abstract Professionalism is a dynamic combination of several aspects of nursing. I think that the cores of nursing professionalism is caring and serving. This article examines the concept of professionalism in nursing along with my personal decision to enter this field. I got into the nursing profession because I wanted to help people and be able to advocate for their needs. Through my experience, I realize that nursingRead MoreProfessionalism In Nursing Essay1405 Words   |  6 Pagesread, offering insights that were thought provoking and informative. 1-We started out this with a dialog on the idea of professionalism in nursing. We journeyed from how this profession got its start then transformed into the career that we are working in now to include the rationale for the program we are taking, RN to BSN. Some challenges were discussed as part of the nursing field such as stress and ideas were given on coping to avoid burnout and maintain patient care. It is fortunate to knowRead MoreProfessionalism in the Workplace of Nursing Essay698 Words   |  3 PagesIn a highly respected profession such as nursing, professionalism is an important element to staying employed and setting one’s self apart from the rest of the applicants when competing for a potential job. By definition professionalism are the qualities and traits that describe a professional. While knowledge is crucial in any profession, according to an article published by the University of Kansas (2012), â€Å"all medical professionals must strive to retain those hu manistic qualities integrity, respect

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Defense of Poetry and An Apology for Poetry - 2888 Words

Written in 1821, and published posthumously nineteen years later, Sidney’s essay, known as both The Defense of Poetry and An Apology For Poetry, stands as one of the most enduring writings on the merits of poetry and was highly influential upon the views of the period. Written, partially as a response to Stephen Gosson’s ‘School of Abuse’ and wider challenges to poetry, such as those of Plato. COULD SAY MORE SPECIFICALLY WHAT CHALLENGES HE IS RESPONDING TO HERE The essay operates under the central premise that the highest function of literature is to guide man towards virtue and serves to argue that poetry is the best literary vehicle to accomplish this. Sidney’s opening assertion of the merits of poetry is to claim it: ‘the first light-giver to ignorance, and the first nurse, whose milk by little and little enabled them to feed afterwards of tougher knowledges.’ Sidney takes little time in arguing this point or considering challenges, holding it to be self-evident. In considering how convincingly Sidney makes his argument, it is important to explore and challenge this premise. Perhaps the best contender for a role of equal value in literature is that of catharsis. Aristotle’s poetics, from which the term first appeared, defines the process of catharsis as using vicarious experience through literature and drama to guide the audience through negative emotions and therefore ‘effecting the proper purgation of these emotions.’ The dissipation ofShow MoreRelatedMargaret Ellen Lamb s Exploration Of Sidney s Defense Of Poesy922 Words   |  4 PagesMary Ellen Lamb s exploration of Sidney s Defense of Poesy notes early modern cultural anxieties around poetry s potential power to effeminise and infantilize. Sidney challenges contemporary accusations against poetry, existing on concerns for the morality and virtuosity of its audiences. However Lamb supplies an additional stance regarding the masculine intellectual ideology of the Tudor education system. This suggests that poetry halts the indoctrination of young adult males into an emergin gRead More Apology for Poetry Essay1900 Words   |  8 PagesAn â€Å"Apology for Poetry† is a compelling essay refuting the attack on poetry by Puritan and fundamentalist Stephen Gosson. This complex article written by Sir Phillip Sidney represents the decisive rebuttal defending poetry. His strong emotive passages defend the uncongenial comments of poetry from Gosson. Although, his justification for the rebuttal is alluded to Gosson’s durable attacks on poetry; it is known Gosson’s remarks prompt Sidney’s attitude to defend not only against Gosson but as wellRead More Literature and Virtue in Sidneys Apology for Poetry Essay1197 Words   |  5 PagesLiterature and Virtue in Sidneys Apology for Poetry      Ã‚  Ã‚   In An Apology for Poetry Sir Philip Sidney attempts to reassert the fundamental importance of literature to society in general as well as to other creative and intellectual endeavors. Though Sidneys work does provide a synthesis (and in some cases an aberration) of much Greek and Roman literary theory, his argument aspires to go beyond an esoteric academic debate. Literature can teach and delight in a manner which other methodsRead MoreSidney Defends The Worth Of Poetry2624 Words   |  11 PagesSidney defends the worth of poetry by presenting us with a long defense written to William Ponsonby, a very popular publisher of the Elizabethan era. Sidney breaks his argument down into eight sections, each one arguing another point as to why poetry is worthy and should not be thought of as sub-par literature. His arguments are thorough, leaving no gaps between thoughts, and very persuasive in both content and style. I believe his argument is both successful and thorough, cover ing everything thatRead MoreBroken Family3761 Words   |  16 Pagesâ€Å"Personal background† Born: 384 BC Stagira, Chalcidice Died: 322 BC (aged 61 or 62) Euboea Nationality: Greek Era: Ancient philosophy Region: Western philosophy School: Peripatetic schoolAristotelianism Main interests: Physics, Metaphysics, Poetry, Theatre, Music, Rhetoric, Politics, Government, Ethics, Biology, and Zoology Notable ideas: Golden mean, Aristotelian logic, syllogism, hexis, homomorphism, Aristotles theory of soul Plato Philosopher Plato was a philosopher in ClassicalRead MoreLenses of Education 1051 Words   |  4 Pagestrial in the â€Å"Apology† and in â€Å"Meno.† One of the main factors discussed in both texts are the role of teachers in society and if Socrates is a teacher. Socrates also relates past stories or experiences when giving his dialogues. This allows him to explain his thoughts and reasons on certain topics. One final factor that plays a role in both the â€Å"Apology† and â€Å"Meno† is the role of the gods through the dialogues. Teachers, stories, and the role of gods all play a key role in the â€Å"Apology† and â€Å"Meno†Read MoreApology, By Plato s Apology1298 Words   |  6 Pagesknowing you know nothing.† In â€Å"Apology,† written by Plato, this ethical belief makes a bold appearance demonstrating that true ignorance only revolves around those who think that they know everything. In â€Å"Apology,† Socrates learns that the wisest men are those who do not think of themselves of wise, and rather make an approach of going beyond an authentic method of inquiry and helping others seek their personal philosophies which may result in conflict. In Plato’s â€Å"Apology,† Socrates demonstrates thatRead MoreSocrates Argument Of Wisdom1673 Words   |  7 Pagesdiscredits a defense or the way one undermines an argument, and sometimes they just bring things into question. A specific situation is Socrates’ defense in The Apology. One could assume that the gentlemen of the law were closely examining and judging Socrates’ words and statements, but possibly more than the gentlemen, philosophers examine Socrates’ words through the text. Many thinkers have found great and small contradictions throughout, one concerning Socrates’ statements of wisdom. In The Apology SocratesRead MoreMachiavelli s The Prince And Plato s Apology1697 Words   |  7 PagesMachiave lli’s â€Å"The Prince† and Plato’s â€Å"Apology† Philosophers have unique and yet similar ways of interpreting life through a variety of different values and beliefs appointed to oneself. Some philosophers have the ability and courage to stand up to what they are trying to accomplish or for what they believe in, even if consequences follow their actions. Machiavelli and Plato have different perspectives and goals in their writing, however their stories also have some underlining similarities suchRead More Socrates Essay1087 Words   |  5 Pagesof absolutes. This alternative is not without its faults. Socratic philosophy is plagued by a destructive element. It reduces the authoritative opinions about political life but replaces it with nothing. This is the vital stem from which the quot;Apology of Socratesquot; is written. Because of the stinging attack on Athenian life, and the opinions which they revere so highly, Socrates is placed on trial for his life. The question now becomes why and in what manner did Socrates refute the gods and

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Should Class Attendance Be Required Free Essays

Word count 780 Should class attendance be a requirement? Many people ask should class attendance be a course requirement for students in college? There are two different opinions. Some people feel that it should be mandatory for college students to attend there classes everyday. Many other people however feel that students should be able to decide whether they want to go to there class or not. We will write a custom essay sample on Should Class Attendance Be Required or any similar topic only for you Order Now As far as I am concerned, no matter what unless the student is sick or has a family emergency they should be required to attend there classes every day whether the student likes it or not. Generally, students who do not like to attend classes have their own reasons. One of the main reasons is, many students feel they can learn some things better on their own rather than being in a classroom. If a student had to attend a class in which the professor teaches something they have already learned on their own, it would be a pointless. Some students that do not attend class, may feel they are able to learn some things better on their own but they may miss a lot of other important information given during a class. A student who attends all of his or her classes does have an advantage over a student who does not attend. In the first place, college professors often teach students many things that cannot be learned from a textbook. Like easier ways of figuring out a problem, or what something means. Many people believe that college is a place where professors are supposed to teach students what they know. In a textbook, normally there is just a lot of information and knowledge. However, how is the student supposed to understand and develop all this information? Students need to attend class; the professor is the best person to help them with these skills. Some students do not learn by just by reading the textbook, some people need things to be explained to them so they fully understand the concept. If the students went to class, the professor would be able to teach them how to learn, how to absorb information and how to apply what they have learned. When students attend class every day it also teaches them responsibility, discipline, and how to work together with other students. This prepares them for having a job, which requires people to work in groups. School starts at a certain time just like a job. Having to be at a certain place at a certain time also prepares students for getting a job in the real word. College is a lot like having a job. Students need to be responsible, and be in class on time just like people need to be at work on time. Being in class everyday and on time with an assignment-completed helps to prepare them for a career. College classes also teach students how to work with the other students in the class. Many times students will be given group assignments. In this activity, students will have to work with people from different backgrounds who they do not even know. In this situation, they learn how to handle working with people different from themselves, which is a very important factor in the work place. When students do not come to class they tend to miss many important things like discussions, due dates on work given during class, and class work. In college, professors teach student many things during discussions. This is when the professor lectures to the class about important things students need to know. During the discussion is the time to listen, learn and write down every thing the professor has to say on the given subject. If a student is not sitting in class to listen or write down information given by the professor he or she may never understand what was learned that day in class. In addition, students may miss due dates on assignments that were given during class which means the student will receive a zero on the assignment, and that is never good. Class work is a very important part of college. If a student does not attend class to complete his or her class there is a good chance that student will fail. I believe that students should be required to attend classes all the time. Student cannot just learn thing from reading a textbook they need a little guidance also. Professors can teach you the method of how to develop and use knowledge learned. In addition, college prepares you for a job by teaching discipline and responsibility. In short, attendance in all classes should be required. How to cite Should Class Attendance Be Required, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Hook For Atomic Bomb Essay Example For Students

Hook For Atomic Bomb Essay Atomic BombThis report is about the Atomic Bomb, what it demolished, and what were different opinions on the war. Of course there were many different opinions, ranging from we didn’t have to do it. To it was the only thing that seemed possible to get the war stopped. And others wonder why it had to be over civilian homes and work places. Roosevelt knew all about the bomb. The bomb was under a top-secret name called. THE MANHATTEN PROJECT! Albert Einstein and other nuclear physicists persuaded Roosevelt to set up a program for a bomb of such destruction before the Nazis did. 12 days into Truman’s reign as President he was notified of the top-secret bomb. And was asked what he wanted to do. He decided to drop the bomb as we all know. Henry L. Stimson Sec. Of War was the chief advisor to Roosevelt about the bomb. After F. D.R died and Truman took over, Truman had to rely strictly on what Stimson told him about the bomb since Truman eventhough he was V.P knew nothing about the new bomb being developed. As I read Stimson, Roosevelt and Truman had all been for dropping the bomb. Ralph Bards was Under Secretary of the Navy at the time was for dropping the bomb but he thought that Japan deserved some type of warning 2-3 days before actually dropping it. After the bomb was dropped he said that Japan would have made peace with giving them warning and in turn we â€Å"gave them all the tremendous things we gave them in those 5 days†¦Participation in the war†. Eisenhower did not like that idea of using the bomb. He didn’t like the fact that the U. S would initiate such a devastating weapon.. On April 12, 1945 Truman was told that Roosevelt had died, shortly after he found out about the bomb. He never said if it was right or wrong. After talking to Winston Churchill Prime Minister of England he made the decision after Churchill said if it would help end the war then go for it. On August 6th 1945 at 8:09 a.m. the first of 2 Atomic Bombs was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan. The bomb devastated many millions of Square miles. Killed and burned many people. Hiroaki Ichikawa was 5 years old at the time and he said that People were so badly burnt that skin was hanging right off their bones. After many children had been quoted and in which I just read, the crew of the bomber plane said that he expressed awe and shock. The flash blinded some of the men after the bomb exploded. Crewman Carry could only say â€Å"Holy Moses what a mess†. â€Å"My god† Said another crewman. â€Å" What have we done†. â€Å" This war is over,† shouted one man. Yet one crewman could only say â€Å"Good God could anyone live through that down there. As the plane made its long trip back to its base one crewman wrote to his son and this is basically what he said. This isn’t meant to read until your older but now one single plane can destroy and devastate a whole city. A journalist said that Truman never actually said yes to drop the bomb. He described it as a little boy on a toboggan. He never was really given a chance to say yes. But he never uttered the words no don’t do it. Basically what he was trying to say was that Roosevelt and the people that knew about it before Truman were already making the decision. Many people ask if Japan was properly warned. People say that if Japan knew that the U.S would drop such a devastating bomb they would have surrendered right then and there. .u83474a61d509bbadebc8da79c4cb714d , .u83474a61d509bbadebc8da79c4cb714d .postImageUrl , .u83474a61d509bbadebc8da79c4cb714d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u83474a61d509bbadebc8da79c4cb714d , .u83474a61d509bbadebc8da79c4cb714d:hover , .u83474a61d509bbadebc8da79c4cb714d:visited , .u83474a61d509bbadebc8da79c4cb714d:active { border:0!important; } .u83474a61d509bbadebc8da79c4cb714d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u83474a61d509bbadebc8da79c4cb714d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u83474a61d509bbadebc8da79c4cb714d:active , .u83474a61d509bbadebc8da79c4cb714d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u83474a61d509bbadebc8da79c4cb714d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u83474a61d509bbadebc8da79c4cb714d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u83474a61d509bbadebc8da79c4cb714d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u83474a61d509bbadebc8da79c4cb714d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u83474a61d509bbadebc8da79c4cb714d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u83474a61d509bbadebc8da79c4cb714d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u83474a61d509bbadebc8da79c4cb714d .u83474a61d509bbadebc8da79c4cb714d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u83474a61d509bbadebc8da79c4cb714d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Tell Tale Heart Essay But they say if the U.S had to drop the bomb they should have done it in a less populated area that would have just shown the enormous power of the bomb. I think that the bomb was the right thing to do. Maybe it shouldn’t have been dropped on such a populated area but you can’t second-guess what they did. They had to get this war over. This isn’t the first war that civilians have been killed in war. A lot of people who say that the bomb was the wrong thing to do doesn’t think of what the Japanese did to the U.S. They killed and sunk many ships in their air raid in Pearl Harbor. I think that the Japanese deserved some warning. After all the Japanese did give warning of the Pearl Harbor attack. It was probably the right thing to do at the time. After the bomb was dropped and all the devastation was seen I think that everyone that was a part of building or the decision to make the bomb felt extremely bad. I don’t think anyone realized the true devastation of this bomb. Terry Kimble